Build environment
Clojure has Leiningen, but I bet Maven is supported as well. Same goes for Scala: there are people using Rake or Gradle, and of course there's SBT (discussed before). However, for people coming from a Java world, Maven works just as well.
So, to start a Scala Maven project, just type this on the commandline:
mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeCatalog=
... and choose the simple Scala project. Fill out the basic details, and you will have something working. (Now, this is a command that you're going to use more often. This might be a good time to turn it into a key macro.)
In order to make sure you can download the proper libraries, you obviously need to add the repo and a dependency:
... xebia-maven net.roarsoftware 1.0
The next thing the authors do is talk about namespaces for a while. They mention that in Clojure, namespaces are first-class citizens. I guess the same applies to Scala as well. However, you cannot add new symbols to a package, as Clojure allows you to do.
Listing the top tracks
This is the Clojure version:
(defn top-tracks [user-name api-key] (User/getTopTracks user-name api-key))
This is the Scala version:
def topTracks(user: String, apiKey: String) = getTopTracks(user, apiKey).toSeq
Now, the above only works since I imported all of the User's functions somewhere else (so getTopTracks has been pulled into scope). And I can only invoke toSeq on the results of getTopTracks (normally a java.util.Collection) because of an import of some implicit conversions:
import net.roarsoftware.lastfm.User._ import net.roarsoftware.lastfm.Track import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
Converting Track to a String
This is the Clojure version:
(defn track-to-str [track] (let [track-name (.getName track) artist-name (.getArtist track)) str track-name " by " artist-name)))
This is the Scala version:
def trackToString(track: Track) = track.getName + " by " + track.getArtist
Numbering a list of items
This is the way the authors do it in Clojure:
(defn number-a-sequence [seeq] (map-indexed #(str (+ 1 %1) " " %2) seeq))
This is the Scala version. Basically, what it's doing is first create a sequence of tuples, existing of the element itself followed by its index. And then it goes on to map each individual item to a String.
def numberASequence(seq: Seq[Any]) ={ case (elem, index) => (index + 1) + " " + elem })
Building HTML
Again, Clojure:
(defn to-html [str-seeq] (let [ header "<html><body>" footer "</body></html>"] (str header (reduce str (map #(str % "< br />") str-seeq)) footer )))
And this is Scala:
def toHtml(list: Traversable[Any]) = <html> <body>{ => <p>{item}</p>)}</body> </html>
In this case, it might be worth noting that the Scala version is actually building XML, whereas the Clojure version is generating a String. Building XML is a little safer: if the text included in your XML contains special characters, then Scala's XML support will guarantee that those special characters are getting escaped properly. (Who knows, perhaps there is an artist called "
This basically constitutes everything discussed in the Clojure article. They conclude that a Clojure program like this required less than 25 lines of code. I think it's fair to say that both Scala and Clojure are in good shape in that regard. I have counted the LoC of the Scala version, and it adds up to 22.
So, which one is the winner? I think it's inconclusive. I like the fact that Scala is statically typed, without a significant penalty. The number of lines of code is roughly the same. What do you think?
(Full source code is here.)
Hi Wilfred, great blog! I think both Scala and Clojure are great languages and at the end it will probably boil down to personal taste. Keep in mind that for our article we targeted a beginners audience and we created our code with educational value in the back of our minds. Some parts can be done more elegantly (and shorter) but would have been too advanced for a introductory article.